HC-History with Jason of Crowned Kings Do you remember the first hardcore / punk show you went to? Is the club still open today? The first show I ever went to was at EV's. A youth Center in the suburban town...
Do you remember the first hardcore / punk show you went to? Is the club still open today? Answered by Boltcutter Vlad That was some punk/metal allnighter in my hometown 2000 km from Moscow. There were around 15 local bands playing...
AFL: YO! It’s great to see you and the guys from TERROR again.  Our last interview was back in 2015 ( Nick talking about TERROR) and my first for AFL. How’s it been since then? Nick: I can’t complain. Everything...
AFL: Hey Guys, it’s more than good to have you back. I suppose you can´t live without Hardcore. What does hardcore means to you and what were the main reasons of your fast comeback? When did you recognize the...
Do you remember the first hardcore / punk show you went to? Is the club still open today? Yeah I think it was around 2000 and I saw The casualties in west Philly at a spot called the kill time....
AFL: “Boltcutter” is you first release since a longer time. Why it take so long to release something new and could you say us a little bit more about the writing process of your new record? Our previous album “Hoods...
After Propagandhi just completed the first part of their tour to their new Album Victory Lap, we were able to talk to guitarist Sulynn Hago in an interview. Among other things, this makes it clear once again how much...
Last November 17th STICK TO YOUR GUNS played a sold out show at Löwensaal, Nuremberg. We had the chance to interview Josh James, one of the guitarists of the californian hardcore band, during this European tour which started couple...
First of ll, it’s great to have an interview with you, How is it Going? I am getting ready to watch all of Stranger Things, Season Two in one sitting so it is going great. There is a groundhog eating...