The straight edge band Praise from Baltimore founded in the year 2009 and have since then released three EP’s and one full-length. Earlier in the year they put out their new EP „Leave It All Behind“ via React! Records. At the end of the year 2016 they will come together with Fury and Insist for a european tour.
We could talk to bassist Chris Bavaria about the upcoming tour and the plans for the band in an interview.
Interview with Praise
„Anything on Dischord Records are our influences!“
Hey how are you? In the end of the year you will come together with FURY and INSIST to Europe and will play there a couple of shows. Is it the first time you’re in Europe with Praise? What do you expect and is there any show you’re looking forward most?
Chris: We are good! Praise did a European tour in the winter of 2014/2015 as well. We are hitting some of the same places we did on that tour. Some places we really love are UK, Germany, & Budapest. I’m really excited to go to Zurich, as Switzerland is the one country in Western Europe I haven’t been to yet!
AFL: Most of you played with your other or past bands here in Europe. Is there a difference between the European hardcore-punk scene and the scene in the USA?
C: I think you’ll hear the same thing from most people; that Europe just seems to take care of bands more. I think the people are just more appreciative because they don’t get as many bands coming through. We love touring Europe!
AFL: You’ve released earlier this year your new EP “Leave It All Behind” on React Records. One of my favorites this year! Have you expected so much good feedback and how satisfied are yourself with the record? Which bands would you count to your influences?
C: We are very happy with the record and couldn’t be more humble with how people are reacting toward it. Obviously, anything on Dischord Records are our influences.
AFL: Is it hard for you all to play shows and write songs with PRAISE? Almost every one of you play at least in one other band beside PRAISE. Would you say it’s more a side project?
C: Definitely is hard to get us all together. We only played one hometown show all year! We just do what we can, things in the last month have been picking up quite nicely.
AFL: What future plans to you have with PRAISE?
C: Few weekends here and there. Hopefully make it to South America in 2017.
AFL: The year 2016 coming to an end. What were your favorite records this year?
C: The Fury LP!
AFL: If you could choose a band you can play a tour together. Which band would you choose and where would you play the tour?
C: Fury in Europe, and it’s about to happen!
AFL: Thanks for the interview! Have you any last words or something to add?
C: Thanks for the support. Be excellent to each other.

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