HC History – The Beginning Of Everything: #1 with Jesse Barnett (STYG, Trade Wind)

HC History: Jesse Barnett (Stick To Your Guns, Trade Wind) talks about his first hardcore show, record and stage dive.


Jesse Barnett knows hardcore – that’s a fact. At the age of 12 he began listening to the music and three years later he founded Stick To Your Guns: By now an international-acclaimed hardcore band. But obviously that’s not enough. Together with Thomas Williams (Stray From The Path) he founded another hardcore band called Trade Wind and this upcoming fall they’re going on European tour with Sights And Sounds – and with their new record „You Make Everything Disappear“ (July 15th 2016; End Hits Records) along with them, of course.

But how and when did Jesse Barnett’s hardcore obsession start actually? What is the reason why he loves and lives hardcore so much? Well, in our new section called „HC History – The Beginning Of Everything“

HC History of Jesse Barnett

1Tell us about your very first hardcore show.

My brother snuck me out of the house and took me to see Propagandhi and Avail. It was ’99, I believe. It was the best moment of my life. It was at a venue called The Glasshouse in a city called Pomona in Southern California.

2When and where were your first pit and stage dive?

First stage dive was during a band called Sky Came Falling at a venue called The Showcase Theatre. First pit was during a local band that I can’t remember at a house show in Orange County.

3Which one was your first hardcore record?

The first hardcore record I bought was Throwdown “You Don’t Have To Be Blood To Be Family”. After hearing their record “Beyond Repair”, this quickly became one of my favorite bands.

4How did you get in touch with hardcore music in the first place?

Through my brother and sister, they were punks. My older sister showed me and my brother her Black Flag, Minor Threat, Straight Faced, Metallica and Sepulture tapes when we were very young. Never went back.

5In which way did hardcore influence you and your life?

It’s my whole life, it’s in everything I do. I don’t know where else I could possibly even exist. It’s a part of me now and it’s the only thing that saved me.

Trade Wind – European Tour 2016

04.10. DE – Berlin – Cassiopeia
05.10. DE – Hamburg – Hafenklang
06.10. DE – Köln – MTC
07.10. NL – Eindhoven – Dynamo
08.10. CZ – Prag – Lucerna Music Bar
09.10. DE – München – Feierwerk
10.10. CH – Aarau – Kiff
11.10. DE – Karlsruhe – Alte Hackerei
12.10. BE – Antwerpen – Kavka
13.10. UK – London – Barfly

You Make Everything Disappear“ is due out July, 15th via End Hits Records. You can pre-order the record here.


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